8 At-Home Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

How to lose belly fat with exercise

So here’s the deal: as much as you may want to carve the six-pack of your dreams by adding some planks to your daily life or using a ab-crunching machine, it’s just not going to happen.

If you haven’t yet caught on to the fact that infomercial ab products don’t work, it’s time to start paying more attention.

As unfair as it might seem, spot reduction (that is, losing weight in one specific area of your body by doing exercises that focus on that body part) isn’t directly possible.

The only way to get lean abs is to get lean around your whole body

That said, losing belly fat, especially if you tend to put more fat on around your waist than your hips or thighs, is an important health-related goal.

And while direct spot-reduction isn’t possible, there are styles of workouts that are more effective at reducing that “spare tire.” Here’s what you need to know to get started.

Why belly fat is dangerous

Look around and you’ll probably notice that different people tend to gain weight in different areas of their body.

Some people have a pear shape, with

Keep reading this article on The Healthy