8 Ways Pilates Benefits Your Body

Popularity of Pilates

Celebrities love it. Some physical therapists incorporate it into their rehab sessions. Serious athletes do it too. Pilates has become a go-to workout for those looking to move better, look good, and feel amazing.

In the past few years, so many people have become fans of the exercise regimen that the market research company Allied Market Research estimates the Pilates and yoga market will grow by nearly 12 percent from 2018 to 2025.

While Pilates often gets lumped in with yoga—which also brings a mental focus to a physical practice—the practice has its own set of principles and benefits. So, what is Pilates anyway? This guide breaks down what you’ll do in a Pilates practice and all the benefits you can gain from doing it regularly.

What is Pilates?

Created by Joseph Pilates, has been around since the late 1800s. It came to the United States from Germany in the late 1920s, according to the Pilates Method Alliance.

You might associate Pilates with core work and moving at a controlled pace either on a mat or a machine. But at its foundation, Pilates is all about moving your entire body as one unit, with the

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