Here’s How and Why You Need to Engage Your Core

All about a strong core

If you exercise at all, you’ve likely heard about the importance of core work—”a strong core prevents back pain,” “strengthen your core to become a better athlete,” “get the beach body core you’ve always dreamed of.”

So is “the core” just the latest slang for “abs” or is it something more? And is core work really as important and all-powerful as the social media advertisements would have you believe?

Actually, yes. But core work isn’t just referring to strengthening the six-pack muscles of your abdomen.

It’s a much more complex muscular system that connects and transfers powerful energy and movement between your upper and lower body, while also providing for stability and control. Here’s what you need to know about engaging your core.

What is “the core?”

“I think of the core as anything that attaches to the spine, including your neck,” says Eni Kadar, a licensed orthopedic physical therapist and founder of Holistic DPT. “It’s foundational for all functional movements, so it’s important for our core to function properly in order to avoid pain, injuries, and unnecessary wear and tear on our bodies.”

And the thing to remember is that a lot of

Keep reading this article on The Healthy