How Long Should You Meditate? Spoiler: Longer Isn’t Better

Why you should meditate

After being aligned with Eastern medicine and spiritual practices for thousands of years, meditation has made its way into the mainstream—and not just because health-conscious celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, and Lady Gaga have raved about the benefits.

The scientific community has also delved into the practice, looking at the health benefits of mediation. Studies have found perks like pain reduction, lower blood pressure, decreased risks of depression and anxiety, and improved cognitive performance.

“Daily meditation, specifically in the insight/mindfulness tradition I practice, allows us to focus on tending to the body, feelings, thoughts, and mental states and how we relate to experiences,” says psychotherapist Marianela Medrano, PhD, founder of the Palabra Counseling and Training Center in Stamford, Connecticut. “Such awareness is conducive to making more compassionate choices about ourselves and others in our day-to-day living.”

If you’re not exactly sure how to meditate, check out our beginner’s guide to meditation. There’s more than one way to do it, and you can find out what type works for you.

What is meditation?

“Meditation really, in its purest form, involves any time that you stop and pay attention to your experience and tune into what’s

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