How to Clean a Burnt Pan—We Tested 5 Methods

Whether you burn dinner completely or your pans get dirtier and dirtier over time, eventually you’ll need to have a scouring session at the sink. And for this, the quicker the better! For this reason, we put five methods for cleaning a scorched skillet to the test.

Keep reading to learn how to clean a burnt pan—and see what methods are most effective!

The Testing Method

In an effort to make sure this guide gives you the most accurate results, we put some parameters in place for this skillet scrubbing experiment. All pans tested were made of stainless steel and scorched with the same combination of foods—cheese, eggs and grape jelly.

If the method recommended soaking, we allowed each pan to soak for up to 15 minutes, checking at intervals of 5 minutes and documenting when the charred remains began to lift with ease. We also limited any extra “active scrubbing” to 10 minutes because honestly, who wants to scrub a pan for longer than that?!

All of our “after” photos show what this method achieved within these limits.


Each method is rated on a scale of 1 to 5. Ratings were awarded based on how long each technique took

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