
The 4 Best Handheld Vacuums For Cars

No matter how clean you try to keep your car, it’s only a matter of time before dirt, crumbs, and pet hair make their way into the crevices. If you’re like me, you may have tried everything from lint rollers to your household vacuum to clean up, but honestly, only the best handheld vacuums for cars can do the trick. With a weight of fewer than 10 pounds, you can maneuver them easily under, over, and in between your seats. And while a cordless model will give you even more freedom, consider that you’ll be trading off some suction power (measured in watts) for convenience.

Since there are a lot of small, oddly shaped spaces in your car, which a lot of cleaning tools don’t have the reach for, you’ll want an automotive handheld vacuum with a variety of attachments. When you’re searching for a vacuum, be on the lookout for options that come with attachments of different sizes and shapes so you can tackle dirt from all angles.

It’s also important to look for vacuums with lots of room to move. The last thing you want to do is keep unplugging while you move around your car. A cordless handheld vacuum is a good choice as long as it can hold a charge long enough to take care of your entire interior. Other great options are vacuums with extra-long cords

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