The 6 Best Indoor Watering Cans

While they’re not a necessity, watering cans can make life a lot easier, and less messy. Sure, using a drinking glass to water the houseplants works in a pinch, but the lack of a targeted flow means that often, more water ends up on the floor than in your plant pot — that’s where the best indoor watering cans come in.

When it comes to choosing the best watering can for your indoor plants, consider the stream style, material, and size that will best suit your plants. When it comes to how the unit pours, you generally choose between a sprinkler head or a more targeted stream. While the rainfall-mimicking sprinkler head is slightly gentler on the plant and allows for a more even spread of water, its wide diameter makes it a tricky choice for those with mostly succulents or other small plants. It’s also typically more expensive. Either way, choose a model with a long spout for easy reach.

In terms of material, plastic is the best choice for most people since it is affordable, sturdy, and doesn’t rust. However, metal watering cans have an aesthetic some prefer. And when it comes to size, it’s really about how

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